Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Janai purnima

I am going to share something here about our festival. Today we celebrated a festival called Janai Poornimaa (Day of secret thread). All men specially a caste change their secret thread on this with help priest according Hindu culture. It is a very special cultural festival for Hindus. People go to the temple and receive a thread on the wrist (priests tie the thread). People have special dishes on this day. They keep the many kinds of seeds on in a dark place to grow seedlings. Then it is cooked mixing them all together. It is called Qwaati.Tomorrow, there is the next festival. It is celebrated only in Katmandu of Nepal. It is called Gai Jaatraa. People put on the mask of a gai (cow) and exhibit it on the roadside. It is celebrated a day of satire. There is much laughter and an ironic program in the hall.

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